On December 9-11, 2022, the International Workers' Association held its international Congress in the city of Alcoy, Spain. Delegates arrived from around the globe and we were particularly glad to see a large number of comrades from South America, Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region. Hundreds of people visited the event and accompanying cultural programs organized in the days leading up to and during the Congress. The hall was full of people and one could get publications from all over the world.
The work of the Congress was rather intense and lasted the full three days in the room packed with delegates. A number of comrades who were not able to travel also joined us online.
During the Congress, we were able to discuss the results presented by working groups, such as the group responsible for developing stategies for newer and smaller organizations to increase workplace organizing activities. A text was presented to the Congress which we hope the Sections and Friends will find useful.
Another working group deals with climate change. There was a very interesting discussion around this topic, which comrades from Pakistan giving a very inspiring account of their work during the latest floods in that country and comrades from Indonesia describing their work with a sustainable collective farm. Comrades from South America also had a lot to say about this subject. Work will be started on a text about climate change from an anarcho-syndicalist perspective.
One of the important topics we discussed was an upcoming campaign in defense of the CNT-AIT of Spain, which is subject to various lawsuits by the Spanish section of the International Confederation of Labour (ICL or CIT in Spanish). More about this horrible situation of repression will soon appear on our pages as we launch this campaign.
Another notable thing is that we welcome a new organization to our fold, Organise! from Ireland. They join as Friends of the IWA.
The Congress really was a fine representation of the diversity of our federation. We were very pleased when the Congress unananymously supported the motion to hold our next Congress in Indonesia.
Also, for the first time ever, our Secretariat has become intercontinental, shared between the ZSP and the ASF of Australia. We believe this is a good solution for current times and for the current geographical presence of the IWA.
The IWA would like to thank all the comrades from CNT-AIT Spain who hosted the Congress, who came with publications or organized cultural events. A special thanks for those who worked on the organization of the Congress, including the team of translators! We would also like to congratulate all the delegates who managed to work through all the agenda points.
We hope that until next time, our projects and conflicts around the globe will be fruitful and that the IWA's new century will bring a renewal to our global struggle.
IWA Secretary