La Semana Internacional de Acciones contra los Salarios Impagos comenzó con una acción de ZSP en una tienda de conveniencia Zabka. La situación se refiere a una trabajadora que fue estafada de dos formas: al negarle el pago correcto por trabajar los domingos y días festivos y al realizarle deducciones ilegales de su salario. El monto total del robo de salario ascendió a 5688 zloties o 1170 euros. Fuimos con una carta para exigir que se pague ese dinero.
The International Week of Actions against Unpaid Wages started off with an action by ZSP at a Zabka convenience store. The situation concerns one worker who was cheated in two ways: by being denied the correct payment for work on Sundays and holidays and by having illegal deductions made from her salary. The sum amount of the wage theft amounted to 5688 zloties or 1170 euros. We went with a letter to demand that this money be paid.
Del 10 al 16 de octubre de 2022, la Asociación Internacional de Trabajadores llevará a cabo una Semana Internacional de Acciones contra los Salarios Impagos.
La ZSP-AIT organizará dos acciones de protesta en las tiendas de conveniencia Zabka: una en Varsovia el 9 de octubre y una semana después, en Grodzisk Mazowiecki.
In October 2020, ZSP published „Fighting Back”, a longer article detailing various examples of how the union has fought against different types of wage theft. (The article is available here in English: The article was written to precede the International Week of Action against Unpaid Wages which the IWA held from October 12-18, 2020. It was decided to repeat the week of actions again, this time from October 11-17, 2021.
A week of action against unpaid wages will be held from October 12-18. 2020. The actions, which are organized by the International Workers' Association, will focus attention on this problem that workers around the globe face all too often.
The unions of the IWA have often been able to take successful action against various forms of wage theft. One of them is the ZSP. Hundreds of workers have been able to recover wages and other money they were entitled to through action with this union. On the occasion of the International Week of Action, we present the history of a few such cases which show different types of theft such as unpaid wages, underpaid wages, lack of overtime payments, lack of sick pay, vacation time or social security payments (to name the most common).
Le monde entier observe avec inquiétude la situation au Bélarus. Le
soulèvement de la société biélorusse contre le gouvernement autoritaire
se développe et se manifeste de différentes manières. On peut observer
non seulement des manifestations de masse, mais aussi des grèves qui
unissent des travailleurs de différentes professions, exprimant la
colère de la classe ouvrière locale contre la tyrannie. Nous espérons
que les grèves se transformeront en grève générale, qui conduira au
renversement du dictateur Loukachenko.