We are happy to announce that, as part of the International Week Against Unpaid Wages, we prepared an English version of our pamphlet related to our workplace conflicts between years 2015 and 2019. The publication called "How We Coped with Problems at Work. Conflicts of Priama Akcia Union in 2015-2019" provides a detailed description of conflicts in all their stages. It contains photos from actions, interviews with the workers, leaflets and a short analysis of hospitality sector where most of the conflicts took place.
Since these were the first successful anarcho-syndicalist activities in Slovakia ever, we are delighted that we can now share them with you in English language. We hope that they will be a source of inspiration for small or starting union organisations outside Slovakia. The publication can be downloaded for free in DOC, PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats at nbz.priamaakcia.sk. Thank you for spreading the word about it and feel free to contact us in case of any questions!