During the following 25th, 26th and 27th of June the Plenary and the Extraordinary Congress of the IWA will be going on. Even though the agreement of the Congress in Melbourne 2019 was to hold the Plenary in Slovakia, at the end it will take place online because the delegations wouldn't be able to reach Slovakia in the context of the travel restrictions still prevailing in a lot of countries.
Even so, the IWA couldn't just give up and not to hold its own international meetings. They are of great importance and significance not only for the Sections and Friends of the IWA, but also for many other organizations that see in the International of Anarcho-syndicalism a model in the struggle for the emancipatory aims of the working class from all around the world.
The agenda of the Plenary includes some topics that are pending from the Congress of Melbourne 2019 and other debates that have been recently proposed by the affiliates of the International. Among this topics, there will be the Centenary of the IWA, the Internationalist Printing House, the International Week against Unpaid Wages, the workplace organization, the climate crisis, etc.
During the Extraordinary Congress the sections will discuss the applications to become Friends of the IWA by some new organizations and also will discuss the change of status of some of our Friends to full right sections.
We remind that during the XXVII IWA Congress in Melbourne (Australia) the affiliation of some organization from Asia-Pacific was approved. This time will be the first time these new sections will be able to send their delegations to represent their Sections and Friends during an international meeting of the IWA.
The Secretariat of the IWA wishes to all Sections, Friends and guest organizations that the Plenary and the Congress run smoothly and that their delegations can discuss and make agreements in the best fraternal atmosphere.
Long live the IWA!