First Balkan anarcho-syndicalist conference was held in Belgrade during the weekend, on 6th and 7th of April, hosted by Serbian comrades. Comrades from Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia participated, and comrades from Slovenia, Greece, Romania and Turkey were prevented from attending in the last moment, but sent their greetings to the Conference. Also, a delegate of the Secretariat of the International Workers Association (AIT-IWA) was present.
The Conference started with organizations and groups giving short introductions, presenting activities of their organizations and the political context in which they are operating. That was used as a base for further discussions which focused on topics such as regional coordination of the workers movement and perspectives of the revolutionary syndicalism, student struggles, anarcho-syndicalist response to nationalism, racism and fascism in the region, questions regarding liberalism and reformism in workers' movement and models of confronting them, security issues and strengthening of the movement's infrastructure in the region. Also, presentation of the IWA was organized, as well as practical discussion on the workplace struggles. The participants of the Conference finished the two day event with participation in a demonstration, organized by Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative, in front of the Serbian Ministry of Labor – against the new strike law, firings and unemployment.
Gathered comrades once again in practice underlined the points that are universal for all the workers in the Balkans, and the world, and once more upheld the principles of direct democracy, direct action and internationalism as the only way that the working class can take in its struggle for freedom. Balkan confederation was underscored as the only viable solution for peace and prosperity of the region, as a realistic alternative to any state project, which never brought anything good to the people of Balkans.
The common feeling is that the Conference was a successes, as it strengthened cooperation of the movement in the region, and provided a space for discussion and fruitful exchange of ideas as well as basis for concrete joint activities. New models of communication were established between the participating groups and organizations, and there is a joint expectancy that this type of gathering will become something which will be happening on a regular basis.
Participants of the First Balkan Anarcho-Syndicalist Conference
Death to the state and capitalism!
Long live Balkan workers solidarity! Long live anarcho-syndicalism!