La “Semana” fue establecida por la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (AIT) para remarcar el fenómeno del impago de salarios y la posibilidad de combatirlos mediante los métodos anarcosindicalistas. Del 10 al 16 de Octubre, los sindicatos de la AIT llamaron la atención sobre esta cuestión de diversas maneras. En el siguiente informe se informa sobre las actividades que se han llevado a cabo en Francia, Polonia, Rusia y Ucrania, Serbia, Eslovaquia y España.
Fed up with oppression. This is how one could briefly describe yesterday‘s protest, which commemorated the two people from the queer community who were murdered on 12th October in Bratislava, as well as the systemic context of oppression. Powerful speeches and the overall energy of the protest, full of anger, rage, grief and humour, created an atmosphere that we have never seen before in Slovakia.
Cases where people contact us about unpaid wages end in different ways. Sometimes they become an open dispute (mostly successful), sometimes the issue is resolved before open dispute, and sometimes the issue is not resolved at all or communication from the workers does not continue. The following article covers almost all the mentioned scenarios that we encountered since last year's International Week Against Unpaid Wages in various cities across Slovakia It is worth noting that most them were related to hospitality and almost all cases affected women.
Is your boss owing you money? Do you want to get involved in actions to improve workers’ conditions, not just for one week of the year and not just about the issue of unpaid wages? Let us know. The International Week Against Unpaid Wages was established in 2019 by the International Workers' Association (IWA) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and the possibilities to fight back using anarcho-syndicalist methods. From 10th to 16th October, we will draw attention to this issue in various forms.
¿Tu jefe te debe dinero? ¿Quieres involucrarte en acciones para mejorar las condiciones de los trabajadores, no solo por una semana del año y no solo por el tema de los salarios impagados? Haznos saber. La Semana Internacional contra los Salarios Impagados fue establecida en 2019 por la Asociación Internacional de Trabajadores (AIT) para resaltar el fenómeno de los salarios impagados y las posibilidades de contraatacar utilizando métodos anarcosindicalistas. Del 10 al 16 de octubre llamaremos la atención sobre este tema de varias formas.
Is your boss owing you money? Do you want to get involved in actions to improve workers’ conditions, not just for one week of the year and not just about the issue of unpaid wages? Let us know. The International Week Against Unpaid Wages was established in 2019 by the International Workers` Association (IWA) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and the possibilities to fight back using anarcho-syndicalist methods. From 10th to 16th October, we will draw attention to this issue in various forms.
(Nota: traducción automática) El año 2021 se dedicó principalmente a desarrollar contactos en las regiones, actividades de solidaridad y participación en actos públicos. También ganamos otro conflicto y apoyamos a varios trabajadores con sus problemas laborales. Participamos en acciones contra la crisis climática, coordinamos la Semana internacional contra el impago de salarios y acogimos el Plenario y Congreso Extraordinario de la AIT.
The year 2021 was mainly about developing contacts in the regions, solidarity activities and participation in public events. We also won another conflict and supported several workers with their workplace problems. We took part in actions against the climate crisis, coordinated the International Week Against Unpaid Wages and hosted the IWA Plenary and Extraordinary Congress.
(Nota: traducción automática) El año 2021 se dedicó principalmente a desarrollar contactos en las regiones, actividades de solidaridad y participación en actos públicos. También ganamos otro conflicto y apoyamos a varios trabajadores con sus problemas laborales. Participamos en acciones contra la crisis climática, coordinamos la Semana internacional contra el impago de salarios y acogimos el Plenario y Congreso Extraordinario de la AIT.
The year 2021 was mainly about developing contacts in the regions, solidarity activities and participation
in public events. We also won another conflict and supported several workers with their workplace
problems. We took part in actions against the climate crisis, coordinated the International Week Against
Unpaid Wages and hosted the IWA Plenary and Extraordinary Congress.