The NSF had an 100th Anniversary event on October 29th as start for the NSF Centennial. It was held in a wooden house in Grunerløkka in Oslo and it was very well attended. Greetings were held from IWA Secretariat (with seat in Poland) by the General Secretary, a comrade from SFManchester,
and a comrade from Ørestad LS, which is an IWA Friends organization. Later, it appeared 9 workers from a new grassroot initiative of transport workers from the big transport terminals in Oslo and surroundings, and they made a greeting to the NSF.
There were first speeches about the founding of NSF on December 28th of 1916 and the numerous direct actions the following years. The NSF was also in the forefront of making actions by taking the 8th hour day, and started to agitate for the 6th hour day as early as in 1919. A health worker/ historian , who is writing two books about the NSF, spoke about the development in Rjukan, a community where the NSF had 600 affiliates in 1920, and how the local branch of the main Confederation, the LO, sometimes cooperated, but most times undermined the NSF and its direct actions.
Another speech was about NSF activities in the twenties and thirties. The NSF joined the IWA at its founding Congress in 1922, and has since taken actively part in it. The NSF kept organizing in the twenties and thirties. They had also a women`s group that actively took part in the NSF organizing efforts, and many of its members were also arrested during the World War II for illegal work against the Nazis.
Primero se oyeron los discursos sobre la fundación de la NSF el 28 de diciembre de 1916 y sobre las numerosas acciones directas de los años siguientes. La NSF estuvo asimismo en la avanzadilla de acciones llevadas a cabo por la jornada de 8 horas y comenzó a agitar en pro de la jornada de 6 horas ya desde 1919. Un trabajador de la sanidad/historiador, que está escribiendo dos libros sobre la NSF, habló sobre el desarrollo en Rjukan, una comunidad en la que la NSF contó con 600 afiliados en 1920 y cómo la rama local de la Confederación principal, la LO, cooperó en ocasiones pero la mayoría de las veces socavó a la NSF y sus acciones directas.
Otro discurso fue sobre las actividades de la NSF en los años 20 y 30. La NSF se unió a la AIT en su Congreso fundacional en 1922 y, desde entonces, ha formado parte activa de la misma. La NSF continuó organizando en los años 20 y 30. También contaba con un grupo de mujeres que formó parte activa en los esfuerzos organizativos de la NSF y muchas de sus miembros fueron también arrestadas durante la II Guerra Mundial por trabajo ilegal contra los nazis.