Die Gewerkschaft Priama Akcia (PA) initiiert eine internationale Kampagne gegen VegaNana, eine vegane Bäckerei in Bratislava (Slowakei), und ihre verbleibenden Geschäftspartner. Die Gewerkschaft wurde von drei Frauen, die früher bei VegaNana gearbeitet haben, mit der Bitte um Hilfe kontaktiert. Insgesamt schuldet die Bäckerei Jana, Laura und Veronika 17.252,30 Euro an nicht gezahlten Löhnen und Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen. Lies weiter, um zu erfahren, wie du oder deine Organisation die Arbeiterinnen unterstützen können (inklusive Mustertext).
Priama Akcia union (PA) is initiating an international campaign against VegaNana, a vegan bakery in Bratislava (Slovakia), and its remaining business partners, including a vegan shop in Vienna. The union was contacted by three women who used to work at VegaNana with a request for help. In total, the bakery owes Jana, Laura, and Veronika 17 252,30 € in unpaid wages and social security contributions. Continue reading to learn how you or your organisation can support the workers (templates that can be used are included).
Our second major event planned in relation to the IWA-AIT centenary took place on 1st April in Collosseum Club in Košice. Thanks to the feedback we got after the first event in Bratislava we were able to improve the IWA history presentation, and the discussion with delegations from SolFed (UK), WAS (Austria), General Secretary of the IWA from Poland and PA was more brisky and content-wise also more compact.
It was not easy to organise an event with international participation and completely new stuff that had to be prepared (presentation on the history of the IWA, PA history exhibition), but our impressions are mainly positive. To a large extent, this is because other people have been involved in the preparations thanks to discussions and planning that took place at our open meetings.
Uplynulý rok bol dosť pestrý a náročný zároveň. Okrem viacerých problémov na pracoviskách sme sa pomerne intenzívne pripravovali na 28. kongres Medzinárodnej asociácie pracujúcich (MAP) v Španielsku. Podporili sme viacero aktivít na Slovensku aj v zahraničí, zapojili sme sa do finančných zbierok a postarali sme sa o prípravu Medzinárodného týždňa proti nevyplácaniu miezd. A to nebolo všetko. Viac sa dozvieš z tejto výročnej správy.
The past year has been quite varied and challenging at the same time. In addition to a number of workplace issues, we have been preparing quite intensively for the 28th Congress of the International Workers` Association (IWA/AIT) in Spain. We supported a number of activities in Slovakia and abroad, took part in fundraising events and took care of the preparation of the International Week Against Unpaid Wages. And there was more. Find out more in this annual report.
Between 9th and 11th December the 28th regular IWA Congress took place in Alcoi, Spain. For delegations, it was undoubtedly exhausting since the agenda was long and demanding. Nevertheless, the Congress was exceptional. This was mainly because of the number of delegations and the program prepared by the Congress Committee of the CNT-AIT in Alcoi. It was really a dignified commemoration of 100 years since the founding of IWA in December 1922.
The “Week” was established in 2019 by the International Workers’ Association (IWA) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and the possibilities to fight back using anarcho-syndicalist methods. From 10th to 16th October the IWA unions drew attention to this issue in various ways. In the following report we inform about activities in France, Poland, Russia and Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia and Spain.
La “Semana” fue establecida por la Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (AIT) para remarcar el fenómeno del impago de salarios y la posibilidad de combatirlos mediante los métodos anarcosindicalistas. Del 10 al 16 de Octubre, los sindicatos de la AIT llamaron la atención sobre esta cuestión de diversas maneras. En el siguiente informe se informa sobre las actividades que se han llevado a cabo en Francia, Polonia, Rusia y Ucrania, Serbia, Eslovaquia y España.
Fed up with oppression. This is how one could briefly describe yesterday‘s protest, which commemorated the two people from the queer community who were murdered on 12th October in Bratislava, as well as the systemic context of oppression. Powerful speeches and the overall energy of the protest, full of anger, rage, grief and humour, created an atmosphere that we have never seen before in Slovakia.