On Friday 25th to Sunday 27th June 2021 the IWA Plenary and Extraordinary Congress took place. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions both meetings were organised online, not in-person in Bratislava as was initially planned. Most of the IWA-AIT affiliates (Sections and Friends) were able to attend. Since it was online, our meetings were not interrupted by repressive regimes and travel visas. In the report that follows we summarise what was discussed and how Priama Akcia as the host Section of the IWA-AIT evaluates the meetings.
Nuevamente vemos como el Estado, junto a aquellos que se escudan en un
falso patriotismo, alientan un discurso de odio hacia las personas
migrantes. Hemos visto que, ante la complacencia de las fuerzas del
orden, y ante el silencio de las personas que se declaran amantes de la
paz, se ha violentado a familias con niños y niñas generando un terror de
hordas que sin piedad han destruido y atacado a quienes solo buscan una
posibilidad de iniciar una vida digna lejos de los gobiernos