Spanish union of the International Confederation of Labour Launches 17 new Lawsuits
Just a few words about the court case which took place on September 19 against our Section in Spain, the CNT-AIT as we wait for their official report.
On September 18, the day before the court case, the lawyers of the Spanish union of ICL (the CNT-CIT) submitted 17 more lawsuits against unions of the CNT-AIT Spain, bringing the total to 35 lawsuits. These cases are scheduled to be heard on October 30, however, the first decision will be issued before that, so it is most likely that this decision will decide the fate of the October 30 cases.
The shameful attacks on the CNT-AIT Spain continue while syndicalists sit on the fence.
Once again we are writing about the vindictive attacks on our Section in Spain, the CNT-AIT, as 16 unions of our organization must go to court to face the attempts to destroy the anarcho-syndicalist union. These attacks are made by the shameless union of the International Confederation of Labor, (ICL-CIT) which also shares the name CNT. It has deferred to the state to force their former comrades of the CNT-AIT to stop using the name but not only that. It demands unreasonable financial compensation for so-called „moral damage”. It also demands imprisonment of some comrades and wants a state-imposed gag order on members of the CNT-AIT. This would force them to keep silent about the serious problems that their members face and faced when once together in one organization with the „renovado” CNT – in other words, the „reformed” CNT, which began divesting itself of many of its libertarian ideals some time ago.
The IWA stands in solidarity with the CNT-AIT and the values it represents: horizontality, mutual aid, a rejection of the statist methods which have infected various formerly libertarian unions, in both the past and in the present. These statist methods are epitomised by the use of the state in attempt to punish and destroy the CNT-AIT for daring to remain true to its principles.
Our second major event planned in relation to the IWA-AIT centenary took place on 1st April in Collosseum Club in Košice. Thanks to the feedback we got after the first event in Bratislava we were able to improve the IWA history presentation, and the discussion with delegations from SolFed (UK), WAS (Austria), General Secretary of the IWA from Poland and PA was more brisky and content-wise also more compact.
Les invitamos a participar del "Conversatorio 150 años del Congreso Anarquista de Saint-Imier: Reflexiones para la actualidad", organizado por Solidaridad Obrera-AIT y La actividad se realizará on-line, y en castellano, el sábado 17 de septiembre a través de la página:
Ante la velocidad con que avanzan los acontecimientos de la guerra en Ucrania y lo fragmentario, confuso y sesgado de las informaciones que nos llegan por los diferentes medios informativos, el grupo Moiras decidió enviar esta semana unas preguntas a la sección rusa de la AIT, con el fin de obtener una perspectiva libertaria acerca del conflicto que nos ayude a posicionarnos y a tomar decisiones en base a un conocimiento ampliado.
(Nota: traducción automática) El año 2021 se dedicó principalmente a desarrollar contactos en las regiones, actividades de solidaridad y participación en actos públicos. También ganamos otro conflicto y apoyamos a varios trabajadores con sus problemas laborales. Participamos en acciones contra la crisis climática, coordinamos la Semana internacional contra el impago de salarios y acogimos el Plenario y Congreso Extraordinario de la AIT.