It was not easy to organise an event with international participation and completely new stuff that had to be prepared (presentation on the history of the IWA, PA history exhibition), but our impressions are mainly positive. To a large extent, this is because other people have been involved in the preparations thanks to discussions and planning that took place at our open meetings.
The past year has been quite varied and challenging at the same time. In addition to a number of workplace issues, we have been preparing quite intensively for the 28th Congress of the International Workers` Association (IWA/AIT) in Spain. We supported a number of activities in Slovakia and abroad, took part in fundraising events and took care of the preparation of the International Week Against Unpaid Wages. And there was more. Find out more in this annual report.
Between 9th and 11th December the 28th regular IWA Congress took place in Alcoi, Spain. For delegations, it was undoubtedly exhausting since the agenda was long and demanding. Nevertheless, the Congress was exceptional. This was mainly because of the number of delegations and the program prepared by the Congress Committee of the CNT-AIT in Alcoi. It was really a dignified commemoration of 100 years since the founding of IWA in December 1922.
Todos los empleados secundarios del sector de la caja, vigilancia y tienda se han sindicado para oponerse a las insoportables condiciones de trabajo en museo de la Secesión de Viena. Desde hace semanas WAS (Sindicato de Trabajadores de Viena) está negociando con la dirección del museo, que ahora han empezado a ignorar las demandas de los empleados. Por lo tanto, hemos convocado una concentración contra la violación de los derechos de los trabajadores frente al museo Secesión en Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Viena, durante la inauguración de la última exposición de la Secesión.
La CNT-AIT España reafirma su progresión territorial. Nuestro proyecto crece
silencioso, alejado del espacio que nos niegan los medios de comunicación.
Crecemos porque señalamos las causas reales de nuestros problemas y somos
capaces de crear alternativas, nuevos mundos a cada nuevo paso.
En el congreso extraordinario de la Asociación Internacional de Trabajadores (AIT), que en realidad debería haber tenido lugar en Bratislava, pero que se celebró por videoconferencia debido a la pandemia, se tramitó la solicitud de la WAS para ser miembro de pleno derecho de la AIT.